6 excerpts on the topic “Nft”
Ines Alpha
[…] The fact is that we can finally sell a digital work. Because before… giving a USB key, you could copy the mp4, the JPEG. It wasn’t protected. […]
Ines Alpha
[…] With NFTs, it makes this process more accessible to everyone. Unfortunately, it has become a kind of war machine, a money machine. It’s hard to change humans. It has taken on completely ridiculous proportions. And people are mistaking NFTs for art. They are clearly two separate things. For me, the NFT is a medium, a tool that allows for the sale of digital art. Just because you put some JPEG, a tweet, or some disgusting old monkey face… Just because those monkeys are NFTs doesn’t mean they are art. […]
Ines Alpha
[…] Having your work scattered across a thousand platforms, it’s a pain. I’m a visual person and I want to have all my pieces in one room, one place where everything is pretty and well presented. It’s not about feeling you are better or worse than other artists, but sometimes you want to be on a platform with artists who are doing what you are into. You can consider the curation of this or that platform because they won’t expose you to the same audiences. […]
Ada Sokół
[…] I am very excited about NFTs, I’ve been looking for a new way of showing my work, and the blockchain technology is impressive. It is also damaging to the environment. Lots of cryptocurrencies are trying to make greener algorithms, and there are already some platforms using them. […]
Ada Sokół
[…] The Hic Et Nunc platform was very ecological, and it was closed down last week; no one knows why. Tezos is green and sustainable; not many NFT platforms were using it. Hic et Nunc was the only one I know that has also been pretty popular. […]
Ada Sokół
[…] I am investing in crypto. I believe our money is a social construct, so our currencies will also be more and more digitalized. Probably 5 or 10 years, we will be using only cryptocurrencies. Starting to create NFTs was a way to develop knowledge of cryptocurrencies. […]

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